Türkan A. Kring
Clairvoyant, medium and healer

“Just breath, you are strong enough to handle your challenge, wise enough to find solutions to your problems and capable enough to do whatever needs to be done. ”
About ME and about you:
My name is Türkan Arman Kring, am a spiritual, just like you and everyone else, The difference may be that I am aware of it and that I use it like I have done all my life. You can too, if you want to and are ready for it ...
Do you need spiritual guidance, do you need healing, do you need messages from the spiritual world, do you need knowledge about the possibilities that lie in your energy, do you need to get closer to your soul, do you need a trip through past life experiences or are you simply curious, then you are most welcome!

"Same thoughts always lead to the same choices, same choices lead to the same behavior and the same behaviors lead to the same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions and these emotions drive the very same thoughts." Joe Dispenza
Read below about what I offer ...

I offer different forms of healing. I heal from a distance and physically. I use several techniques and tools like, breathing, essential oils, tapping, ect.
Remote healing is good for you who have become unbalanced. Good for you who have anxiety, stress or something. Good for you who need to get balance in the energies. Good for you who do not have a profit.
Have confidence, sit back and let me work on your energies.
This applies to both adults and children.
It takes time, - but if you want to learn how to heal yourself, then you have landed in the right place.
I can also heal your pet if needed.
Spiritual reading
I can give spiritual advice, guide and give guidance. I use many different techniques and tools when I tune in to your energies. I offer reading i coffee cups / tea leaves, the use of cards. Most of all, though, I use my intuition. If it is necessary or desired, the deceased or other energies can also be brought in.
Regression / soul journey
Are you curious, let me lead you back to past lives, parallel lives, meet your deceased, whatever you want.
Maybe you wonder about repeated inappropriate patterns in your life, have deja-vu experiences, or experience something else that does not quite make sense. So let's look at it together.
Do you want a change in your current life or are you just curious, or need to be healed through an inner journey, I will guide you down into your subconscious, or maybe you feel like visiting your Akasha Archives. I follow and guide wherever the journey goes.
In practical terms, it takes place physically with me.
Depending on the person and situation, it can last from 2-2.5 hours. During the session you are in full consciousness.

Oils from doTerra
If you need to relax, both physically and mentally, and to get closer to a higher spiritual consciousness, then I have different techniques that I use. There is the possibility of both individual and group meditation. Do you need to learn to meditate, be guided, helped on the way one to one. Or would you like to sit meditation groups, then it is also possible. Group meditation is something very special.
See more under 'Events'.
Courses and lectures
I offer ongoing courses and workshops in meditation, healing, spiritual-children spiritual-exploration.
I also give lectures about my work.
Click on my Facebook page below
'Türkan Kring buisness' or read under' Events'
I also like clairvoyance evenings.
Do you or your company want for lectures I would like to come.
Price and content are agreed individually.

Spiritual Wellness
If you need spiritual wellness for body mind and soul, then I recommend this. Here you get a combination of energy massage, oils, healing, chakra balancing, guided meditation, treatment ect. - as well as a good time total relaxation for your entire system. Along the way, there may also be some clairvoyance or deceased contact if something pops up or is desired. Spiritual Wellness is individually organized.
Give Spiritual wellness as a gift to yourself, your loved ones or employees.
Energetic house cleaning
There can be many reasons and reasons why you need to get the energy in your home cleaned. It can be about
stagnant energy,energy from former resident,
-disease, quarrels, divorce
-maybe YOUR energy has changed!
or something else that makes it not feel nice.
ANYWAY I will be happy to help you!
I do not absolutely need to get into your home, but a floor plan or description of the rooms will help.
House cleaning takes place over 14 days.
The spiritual child
Is your child spiritual? If your child needs tools to be grounded, has anxiety, lacks self-esteem, is for some reason unbalanced, then the spiritual course for children is a good choice for your child. Practically, it happens physically in my home. I feel the energy of the child and the parents. Depending on the situation, the age of the child, etc., we look at whether to work with the child myself or whether it requires me to work with you all or each. Regardless, you as a parent will be able to be around when I work with your child. Depending on the situation, it may require me to work with energy healing remotely in the first place.
It will require you to come sometimes, as both techniques and guides through meditation must be practiced. Contact me so we can agree further, what will best suit your situation and needs.

If you need to get in touch with your love ones in spiritworld, there is an opportunity for this. A contact the spirit world with me will often be combined with a clairvoyance, soul-reading and so.
Psychotherapy / conversations
Do you need therapeutic conversations. Have you gone into therapy and it did not help, or do you just want to try a spiritual conversation, then look here.
I also have a degree as a systemic-narrative family therapist.
For companies
If you need to lift the energy in your company, do something good for your employees, have more success and better finances, then I know someone who I can highly recommend!
Feel free to contact me about this!